Love is the highest dimension


Magazine Suzy, 10.2.23; Written by Mateja Blažič Zemljič; Copyright translation in English by Benedikta Štokelj

They deeply believe that their therapies are guided from a higher sphere and that helping others is a gift to them as well. Dragica, who has a Master's degree in Italian and Slovenian literature, has worked at several foreign universities and is also a poet who is currently preparing a new trilingual collection of poetry. She dances flamenco for their soul, working as a Reiki practitioner and healer for 28 years. Benedikta, her daughter, has a Master's degree in holistic medicine, has been able to see the human aura since childhood, and is 'blessed' - not only as her name suggests, but also with special insights.

Exceptional sensing and perception are their inherited gifts - even Dragica's mother had clairvoyant insights. Despite receiving a different medical prognosis, Dragica's mother knew her child would not survive the night. "Her grandfather then helped her to the village cross, where she asked the 'god of the universe' for help. So, in the middle of a winter night with high snow drifts, Dragica's mother carried her sister six kilometers to the hospital as if she had no weight in her arms. Women visited her because she was reading from a cup of coffee. Her father was also clairvoyant, and my great-grandmother, my grandfather's mother, was the greatest clairvoyant in Dolenjska, which is also recorded in the parish books. We have that kind of heritage on my mother's side," says Dragica."


Since birth, Benedikta has been told in spiritual circles that she is a special girl, that this may be her last reincarnation, and that she is gifted with insights beyond measure. "She was rebellious, talked about past lives, knew different words in ancient Greek and Tibetan, but we kept her abilities within the family until graduation to protect her and prepare her for her mission as a healer," Dragica explains.

While Dragica feels the energy and dreams of messages, Benedikta sees angels, masters, guides, ancestors, and the deceased who come during the therapy to be forgiven by the person, then leave peacefully when the energy record of resentment, sadness, etc. has been erased. "We physically feel people's pain in places where there is no energy flow, where we put our hands, and we reestablish it," says Dragica. "The established information about the aura is inaccurate," notes Benedikta. "It must contain all the colors; where there is no color, there is no flow. Red, which represents the element of earth, is needed to ground ourselves; otherwise, it's like building a house in the air. We are without foundation. We have to put everything we do on the ground. If there is no red in the aura, people are often depressed and anxious."


By examining the aura, Benedikta can identify our problems. If one of the colors is missing in the aura, it indicates a strong blockage in that area, which in turn causes a lack of flow. "If all the colors are present, but we still have blockages, it's like having a car in front of the house but lacking petrol. Conversely, if we have petrol but no car, we can't go anywhere. We need both a car and petrol," explains Dragica. "In the first chakras, our vital energy is represented by the colors red, orange, and yellow, which correspond to the elements of earth, water, and fire. The second chakra is associated with the element of water, and fears reside here. Toxins can accumulate in the body if they are not eliminated through the kidneys and other organs. Yellow represents fire, and it is our strength and confidence. The more yellow there is, the more intelligent we are; we know who we are and what we need to do with ourselves, even if there aren't many other colors present. The element of air is linked to green, which represents love, and it is located in the heart chakra. Healers, teachers, and people who deeply love and work with the heart have a lot of green in their aura. The frequency of the universe is love, so it is important that the heart is open and flowing. Blue, which represents the throat chakra, is emphasized by artists and speakers, and it is associated with Mercury. Our abilities are located here, and we express what we came into the world to do. If we don't use our abilities, we block ourselves and get sick. However, the universe supports us if we do what we were incarnated to do. Our soul speaks about what we came to Earth for through our desires. The color indigo, which corresponds to the third eye, helps us listen to ourselves through intuition." They point out that indigo is a rare color in most people's aura because it has been suppressed in our civilization. We have always listened to others - in school, the media, politics, and religion. "But we must listen to ourselves because all knowledge is within us. There is so much false information going out into the world that binds people to the energy of fear. Since their aura is mostly non-flowing, they automatically connect with it because there is so much frequency of fear in themselves that they resonate with it," they explain. Children with special needs and artists who write from themselves have indigo color. "If you want to be famous, it's driven by ego, and you can block your streams. A true artist has an open and flowing indigo color. Since we are all born artists, let's open these channels within ourselves," they urge and say that there are no negative experiences because they all help us to become better people. "Energy is one; there is no negative or positive. We give energy signs with our mind and awareness. Even if we break our leg, it can be a fantastic experience because it helps us learn something," says Dragica, adding that we can gain insights and connect with the true knowledge of the universe and our own through the crown chakra on the scalp. "Purple is the color of powerful healers. Until the first year of life, the skull is not closed, and the soul can also leave if it doesn't like the world. This is what we call white death in the crib."


"Our aura is constantly changing. If the intensity of the emotion is stronger, the record is stronger, while superficial attitudes and momentary emotions are not imprinted. When a master initiates us into certain things, such as Reiki, blockages are released in people who are not flowing enough, which shows in the aura. Special events, such as shocks, accidents, deaths, and illnesses of children, that cause blockages are also quickly recorded in the aura. The recordings can last for 3 to 6 months or longer, depending on us and the work we do on ourselves."

"In the same way, if something really nice happens to us, the aura changes. Births and significant achievements bring major breakthroughs in the aura, as do initiations. 'We all have the ability to self-heal, and when we are flowing, everything else falls into place,' explains Dragica, while Benedikta adds that after a few of their therapies, the aura is completely different because you change something; you become aware of blockages, and you do the Taoist and yogic exercises they recommend. More colors are present, the flows are released, and life changes as a result. The state is maintained until we create new blockages. 'The aura can clear itself to a certain extent - even if a difficult thing happens to us, we can work through it if we don't add momentum to it with our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and emotions are the biggest fuel for the chakras,' she says. She adds that they worked with a severely blocked man with no color in his aura, and the doctors had written him off. 'After two therapies, he did the exercises regularly, and his condition changed. Let me add that people with a non-flowing crown chakra of purple color don't believe in spirituality, so we throw energy away by persuasion. Since they don't have these frequencies, they won't understand us,' Dragica points out."


"Children have a golden aura color until the age of 12. They are never broken. Children get the records and energy blocks of their parents. If children are sick or problematic, it is always necessary to work on the parents. They may also still be energetically bonded to the mother through the 2nd chakra, although from the age of 3 at the latest, they should no longer be. This energetic bond should be broken, otherwise, they are mutually depleting each other. Sometimes these links are broken only at puberty, but sometimes they are not, with serious consequences. The mother 'mistreats' the son in this way; he depends on her and does not listen to his wife. Otherwise, the mother makes him feel guilty. Or he unconsciously drains his parents - vampirism can go both ways," warns Benedikta.

The energetic connection must be through the heart and only with the baby through the 2nd chakra. When the children have problems, they first treat the mother and cut the energetic ties with her. "Children who sleep with their parents at the age of 7, 8, and 9 should immediately go to their room. You are harming them! Such a child will not be self-confident because the roots of two trees intertwine instead of having two independent, healthy trees," says Dragica.

"The child has the same aura as the mother - everything that she thinks and feels when she is pregnant, her energy state, how she is treated, what the birth is like, is transferred to them. When they are born, they are a copy of their mother with all the problems and energy records. It then adds its own traumas as we absorb everything from the environment. Still, records can also come from a previous life. Children who come into the world sick have decided on a soul level to gain this experience and teach the environment and healthcare about new diseases to help others. They have a special mission – to teach parents unconditional love, then leave when they have achieved that goal."


The pink color of the aura is particularly highlighted by the practitioners. "It represents the aura of people who love and forgive unconditionally, who care about the planet and all living beings on it. Green is the color of love, but for oneself and one's family. If it's blocked, there's more ego and pain - we don't care that wars are raging as long as we are good. We don't know how to receive and give. Lilac in the aura is the color of the 5th dimension. It is a mistake to look at the latter with the expectation that the door to a certain dimension will open for us. This can be seen through the aura or pink color in it. We will come to that dimension when we are mature. We are energetic beings and will go nowhere unless we forgive and love unconditionally. Anyone with resentments, fears, and blockages is not going anywhere. We are the frequency," explains Dragica.

Benedikta adds that for the pink color to be present in the aura, white is necessary, which only clairvoyant people possess. Even individuals with chronic depression and schizophrenia who are not grounded can have the flow of the pink color. "With fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, the aura has no color; autistics have white and indigo. The first three chakras are the most important for physical health. In depression, all three are usually blocked," she points out.

"Only those who truly give themselves with love have a golden aura - they can be nurses who give the most, people who work with addicts, special healers, artists who help others with their soul and heart. This is the embodiment of love - there are no other, higher dimensions. Love is the highest dimension that shows where we are as souls and people."